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FX Artist DemoReel  


00:01 Personal practice, fur, RBD, fracture, dust

00:03 Puss in boots, bubbles

00:04 Crowds

00:05 Puss in Boots, dust

00:06 Puss in Boots, dust

00:07 Puss in Boots, bubbles

00:09 Puss in Boots, Fire

00:11 Huevocartoon, RBD, fracture, flip fluid simulation

00:14 Kir, Particles

00:15 Huevocartoon, procedural trees modelling, and scattering, bushes,

cactus and procedural set dressing (stones) 00:23 Puss in Boots, fire, Fx lightning and final compo

00:24 Puss in Boots, bubbles

00:27 Huevocartoon, dust, debris

00:28 Huevocartoon, procedural ground deformation

00:30 Huevocartoon, lightning bolts

00:32 Huevocartoon, drool

00:34 Naufrago, procedural mountain modelling and procedural garbage system, bubbles


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